Canning industry: benefits with a hybrid solar installation

Published On: 17/02/2021-2.3 min read-

Why are hybrid solar panels suitable for the canning industry?

As we have already mentioned in previous posts, industries can have a high demand for thermal and electrical energy, due to their manufacturing processes. Therefore, we are going to explain the benefits of installing solar panels in canning industries.

Where is the demand?

The first thing we must be clear about is that there is more there is a higher demand of hot water than electricity. Therefore, we need to generate more thermal energy than electrical energy.

Canning processes may vary depending on the product to be canned. For example, crushed or other types of tomato sauces require hot water or steam for cooking the tomato and for the blanching process, where the skin of the tomato is removed at temperatures of up to 95ºC.

This blanching process is carried out by a number of methods. They can be: indirect, with solid fuels, oil, gas or electricity; or direct, with gas, air or electronically.

But, what do all canned food products have in common?

The thermal demand that all types of canned food have would be in the closing and sterilization of the jars or cans. After filling, the containers are hermetically sealed and sterilized by means of high temperatures, using steam or water. In some cases, such as fish and seafood, temperatures reach 110ºC to 121ºC.

How can hybrid solar panels help the canning industry?

Abora’s hybrid solar panels with aHTech® technology are ideal for the canning industry, thanks to their high simultaneous production of thermal and electrical energy.

Thanks to the hybrid solar installation, you will considerably reduce your energy costs (diesel, propane gas, electricity, etc.). This is because they can provide you with thermal energy up to 70-80ºC, thus reducing the use of boilers and, therefore, saving fossil fuels.

In addition, you will make your company more profitable and, consequently, more competitive. And not only will you have a short payback period, but it is the technology that will save you the most in its useful life (25 years).

As an example, an installation of 250 hybrid panels can be amortized in just 4 years, and your company could save more than 3 million euros over the lifetime of the installation.

Moreover, as it is cost-effective, it is bankable. What does this mean? You can install the system without investment, and the savings generated from the first month will be greater than the financing fee. In this way, you can save from day one and without having to pay the initial investment.

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